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On-Going Research

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Amorphous Solid Dispersions

These stable pharmaceutical formulations continue to increase in popularity; but new technologies require manufacturing expertise. by Susan Thompson, Technical Director at VxP Pharma Although orally administered drugs are often more convenient than other dosage forms, [...]


These crystalline molecules are still poorly understood; but their properties hint at significant opportunities to improve solid-state pharmaceutical products. by Raymond E Peck, CEO of VxP Pharma Not all pharmaceutical compounds offer ideal physical and [...]

Preclinical Tox Studies

Both in vitro and in vivo toxicology studies offer their own advantages and disadvantages. by Raymond E Peck, CEO of VxP Pharma Before a pharmaceutical developer can initiate the clinical trial phase of any drug, [...]

Solid State Stability

Several types of studies are crucial for assessing the stability of a solid state pharmaceutical. by Susan Thompson, Technical Director at VxP Pharma Many drugs utilize solid state chemicals as their active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). [...]

Regulatory Support

A team of regulatory experts are critical to the efficient development of pharmaceutical products. by Raymond E Peck, CEO of VxP Pharma In order to legally sell a pharmaceutical product, it’s necessary to receive approval [...]

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